1-BUSI SDN: DOS Business and financial 1-COMM SDN: DOS Communications terminal 1-DATA SDN: DOS Database, spreadsheet and PIM 1-EDUC SDN: DOS Education for children and adult 1-GAME SDN: DOS Entertainment and games 1-GRAP SDN: DOS Graphics and drawing 1-MISC SDN: DOS Miscellaneous programs 1-SOND SDN: DOS Music/Voice/Sound players and sound files 1-UTIL SDN: DOS Utilities, menus, file Managers, etc.. 1-WORD SDN: DOS Word Processing, text editors and printer 2-31APPS SDN: Windows 3.1x Applications 2-31GAME SDN: Windows 3.1x Games 2-31MISC SDN: Windows 3.1x Miscellaneous 2-31UTIL SDN: Windows 3.1x Utilities 2-BBS SDN: Bulletin board systems and utilities 2-CADGRP SDN: CAD programs and utilities 2-COMM SDN: Communications, HAM, Satellite, etc.. 2-COMP SDN: Compilers & utils (No LIBS or source code) 2-DTPUBL SDN: Desk Top Publishing 2-FONTS SDN: All types and styles 2-GENO SDN: Genealogy related 2-HYPER SDN: Hypertext authoring, readers and text 2-LAN SDN: LAN related programs and utilities 2-MIDI SDN: Midi music programs and files 2-OS2 SDN: OS/2 programs and utilities 2-PIC SDN: Pictures, ANSI, RIP, GIF, PCX etc.. 2-USTAX SDN: United States tax preparation 2-WIN-NT SDN: Windows-NT Programs, utilities, drivers, etc. 2-WINDOW SDN: Windows 3.1 Programs, utilities, drivers, etc 2-WINWAV SDN: Windows - sound, WAV, multimedia 3-95APPS SDN: Windows'95 Applications 3-95GAME SDN: Windows'95 Games 3-95MISC SDN: Windows'95 Miscellaneous 3-95UTIL SDN: Windows'95 Utilities 3-WINNT SDN: Windows NT 3DR_GAME APG: 3D Realms Shareware Games 3DR_LVLS APG: 3D Realms User-Created Levels/Sounds 3DR_MISC APG: 3D Realms Slide Shows & Misc. Files 3DR_PTCH APG: 3D Realms Patches, both reg & shareware 3DR_SPLT APG: 3D Realms Shareware Games (Split apart) 3DR_USER APG: 3D Realms User-Created Add-On Programs 4-OS2APP SDN: OS/2 Applications 4-OS2UTI SDN: OS/2 Utilities and miscellaneous 4-OS2UTIL SDN: OS/2 Utilities and miscellaneous 4_SOUND GN: Files of interest to sound card users ABLEFILE AFDN: Program files for persons with disabilties ABLENEWS AFDN: Disability and medical newsletters ABLETEXT AFDN: Text files of disABILITY/medical interest AD-BUS AD: Business/Finance Programs AD-COMM AD: Communications Programs AD-DOSAP AD: DOS Application Programs AD-DOSDK AD: DOS Desktop Programs AD-DOSGM AD: DOS Games AD-DOSUT AD: DOS Utilities AD-EDUC AD: Educational Programs AD-ENGMT AD: Engineering & Math Programs AD-GRAPH AD: Graphics Programs AD-HOMHB AD: Home & Hobby Programs AD-MISC AD: Miscellaneous Files AD-OS2AP AD: OS/2 Application Programs AD-OS2DK AD: OS/2 Desktop Programs AD-OS2GM AD: OS/2 Games AD-OS2UT AD: OS/2 Utilities AD-PROGM AD: Programming Misc AD-PROGT AD: Programming Tools AD-VERT AD: Vertical Market Programs AD-WINAP AD: Windows Application Programs AD-WINDK AD: Windows Desktop Programs AD-WINGM AD: Windows Games AD-WINUT AD: Windows Utilities ADAFILES ADA: General files for the Handicapped ADANET ADA: Newsletters and Text Files ADSADMIN ADS: ADS (Coordinators Only) Files. ADSANIMS ADS: Amiga Animation files & Utilities ADSAREXX ADS: Amiga Arexx Scripts and Utils. ADSARTG ADS: Amiga Art an Graphics an Utils. ADSBBUTL ADS: Amiga BBS doors - all types of bbs ADSCDROM ADS: CDROM drivers & utilities.... ADSCNET ADS: Cnet BBS files ADSCOMM ADS: Comm programs ADSDBASE ADS: Amiga Database & Biz progs ADSDLG ADS: Dialog BBS support ADSEXCEL ADS: Excelsior third party support files ADSFIDO ADS: Amiga Networking & Point Files ADSGAMES ADS: Games ADSINFO ADS: OFFICIAL ADS Information & News ADSMEBBS ADS: General Utilities ADSMISC ADS: Misc. prgs ADSMUSIC ADS: Amiga Music files & Sound modules ADSNETDV ADS: Net Developmene ADSSTMOD ADS: Amiga Sound tracker modules and Utils ADSTEXT ADS: Text and Docs ADSTRANS ADS: TransAmiga BBS ADSUNET ADS: Amiga Usenet Files ADSUTILS ADS: Amiga utilities programs ADSVIDEO ADS: Video Related files ADSVIEWR ADS: Amiga Viewers and utilities ADSVIRUS ADS: Amiga Virus Utilities ADSWORK ADS: WorkBench 1.3 Utilities ADSWORK2 ADS: WorkBench 2.0 Utilities ADSWORK3 ADS: WorkBench 3.0 Utilities ADSXENOL ADS: XenoLink BBS Support Files AFIX_UTL ALLFIX: 3rd party utilities for Allfix AGS_ABST AEGIS: Abstracts & Bibliographic Information AGS_ALVE AEGIS: Being Alive/Los Angeles AGS_ANS AEGIS: VA AIDS News Service AGS_APLA AEGIS: AIDS Project Los Angeles "Positive Living" AGS_ATN AEGIS: AIDS Treatment News AGS_ATR AEGIS: AIDS Treatment Data Net. "Treatment Review" AGS_BETA AEGIS: BETA Magazine AGS_CATI AEGIS: Community AIDS Treatment Info.Exchange AGS_EMIR AEGIS: HIV Electronic Media Information Review AGS_FOCS AEGIS: United Methodist Church FOCUS Papers AGS_GMHI AEGIS: Gay Men's Health Crisis Treatment Issues AGS_HARP AEGIS: Holistic AIDS Response Project AGS_HIV AEGIS: HIV Herald AGS_INFM AEGIS: Project INFORM AGS_INFO AEGIS: AIDS Information/Education AGS_MMWR AFGIS: CDC Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report AGS_POS AEGIS: Body Positive Magazine AGS_SLGT AEGIS: Search Alliance "Searchlight" AGS_STEP AEGIS: Seattle Treatment Education Project AGS_SUMM AEGIS: AIDS Daily Summary (CDC) AGS_TABT AEGIS: TALKABOUT: N.S.W. Australia AIDS Issues AGS_UCSF AEGIS: FOCUS: A Guide to AIDS Research ALLFIX ALLFIX: AllFIX File Processor ALLFIX! ALLFIX: AllFIX File Processor for WildCat! ALLFIX2 ALLFIX: AllFIX/2 File Processor for OS/2 Warp AMU BBSFDN: The Automated Maintenance Utility APG_GAME APG: Apogee Shareware Games APG_LVLS APG: Apogee User-Created Levels/Sounds APG_MISC APG: Apogee Slide Shows and Misc. Files APG_PTCH APG: Apogee Patches, both reg & shareware APG_SPLT APG: Apogee Shareware Games (Split apart) APG_USER APG: Apogee User-Created Add-On Programs AQU_FISH FISHNET: Fresh Water Fish AQU_INFO FISHNET: FDN Info and Administration AQU_PLAN FISHNET: Aquarium Plant AQU_REEF FISHNET: Reef Keeping AQU_SALT FISHNET: Salt Water Fish AQU_SICK FISHNET: Care of Sick Fish AQU_TANK FISHNET: Aquarium Care, Setup and Equipment AQU_UP FISHNET: Upstream to HQS for Distribution ASP-CAT AD: ASP Product Catalogs ASP-MEMB AD: ASP Membership Files ASTGRAPH ASTRONET: Astronomy Graphics File Echo ASTRNEWS ASTR: Newsletters, articles, ftp & www site listings ASTRNOMY ASTR: Astronomy related software, CCD images, etc. ASTRO_HQ ASTR: Files to HQ ASTRSOFT ASTRONET: Astronomy Software File Echo BACKBONE Backbone: List of Echomail Areas and Info Files BBSL_ADM BBSLIST: Admin File echo to Up-link (pass through) BBSL_ASI BBSLIST: Asia & SE Asia Lists BBSL_AUS BBSLIST: Australia, New Zealand BBSL_CAN BBSLIST: Canada Lists BBSL_EUR BBSLIST: Europe Lists BBSL_INT BBSLIST: Other International sites BBSL_MIS BBSLIST: Miscellaneous and BBS info BBSL_PGM BBSLIST: Programs for Making or Reading Lists BBSL_REG BBSLIST: US Local and Regional level BBSL_ST BBSLIST: US State level lists BBSL_USA BBSLIST: United States Lists BFDS BFDS: DOS Batch File Utilities and DOS Enhancments BFDS4DOS BFDS: 4DOS Batch File Utilities & Scripts BFDS_ADM BFDS: BFDS Admin. Area (Upstream to Head Q'trs) CASINO CasinoNet: Casino Gaming & Entertainment CBBSTOOL CONCORD: Concord Utilities. CBM_COMM FMLYNET: Commodore Communications Utils CBM_FUNG FMLYNET: Commodore Fun Graphics CBM_GAME FMLYNET: Commodore Games CBM_GEOS FMLYNET: GEOS V1.3/V2.0 CBM_KIDS FMLYNET: Commodore Kids Files CBM_MISC FMLYNET: Misc Other Programs CBM_MUSI FMLYNET: Commodore Music Sound & Progs CBM_PICS FMLYNET: Misc Graphics Progs & Utils CBM_PRNT FMLYNET: Commodore Print Utils CBM_PROG FMLYNET: Commodore Programs (to run) CBM_TEXT FMLYNET: Commodore Ascii Text and Verses CBM_UTIL FMLYNET: Commodore Utilities & Fonts CBM_VERS FMLYNET: The Verse Challenge CBM_VIDE FMLYNET: Misc Graphics Progs/Utils CBM_WP FMLYNET: Commodore DTP CBM_XUTL FMLYNET: Commodore Cross Platform Utils CDOOR RBBS-FDN: RBBS CDOOR mods/merges. CF-HOME CF: Home Decorating CF-KIDS CF: Kiddy Krafting Programs/Patterns CF-KNIT CF: Knitting Programs/Patterns CF-MISC CF: Misc. Files not covered by other areas. CF-NFO CF: Crafting Based Information CF-QUILT CF: Quilting Programs/Patterns CF-RIB CF: Ribbon Patterns CF-SCA CF: Costuming/Period Patterns CF-SEW CF: Machine Sewing Programs/Patterns CF-WEAVE CF: Weaving/Spinning Programs/Patterns CF-WOOD CF: Woodworking Programs/Patterns CF-XS CF: Cross Stitch & Needle Art Programs/Patterns CFN-HQ CFN: For Submitting Files to CFN HQ's *ONLY* CFN-PAT CFN: Crafting Patterns CFN-PICS CFN: Crafting Photo gallary CFN-PRO CFN: Crafting Programs CFN-TXT CFN: Text Files related to Crafting CHS-BU CHS: Bookup Data Files CHS-CA CHS: Chess Assistant Data Files CHS-CB CHS: ChessBase Data Files CHS-CONV CHS: Conversion Programs for Databases & PGN CHS-DTP CHS: Desktop Publishing & Authoring Utilities CHS-EDUC CHS: Educational Files & Programs CHS-GRAF CHS: Chess Graphics & Art CHS-NEWS CHS: Chess News Text Files CHS-NICB CHS: NICBase Data Files CHS-PGN CHS: PGN-formatted Files CHS-PROD CHS: Commercial Catalogs, Newsletters, etc. CHS-PROG CHS: Chess-Playing Programs CHS-REV CHS: Software Reviews CHS-TECL CHS: The Electronic Chess Library CHS-TEXT CHS: ASCII Text Files (other than PGN) CHS-UPLD CHS: Incoming Files to Headquarters CHS-UTIL CHS: Recorders, Readers, other utilities CL-50 CL: Clipper 5.0 Tools CL-52 CL: Clipper 5.2 Tools CL-87 CL: Clipper '87 Tools CL-DBASE CL: Dbase Tools CL-DEMO CL: Clipper limited 3rd-Party Demos CL-DOC CL: Documents, Anomalyreports CL-ESP CL: Spanish Language Support CL-FCO CL: Force (FCO) Tools CL-FOX CL: FoxBase Tools CL-PATCH CL: Third party update patches CL-TOOL CL: Clipper related Tools CL-VO CL: Files related to CA - Visual Objects CLAR21 CLAR: Professional Developer 2.1 Files CLAR3DEM CLAR: Clarion 3.X demo programs CLAR3DOC CLAR: Used for information text files CLAR3EXP CLAR: Clarion 3.X examples CLAR3SHR CLAR: Clarion 3.X shareware programs CLAR3UPD CLAR: Clarion 3rd party program updates CLAR4DEM CLAR: Clarion 4 Windows Demo files CLAR4DOC CLAR: Clarion 4 Windows Technical Doc's CLAR4EXP CLAR: Clarion 4 Windows Examples CLAR4SHR CLAR: Clarion 4 Windows Shareware programs CLAR4UPD CLAR: Clarion 4 Windows 3rd party updates CLARPTCH CLAR: Official Patches from Clarion Software CONCORD CONCORD: Gamma and Public Rleases of Concord BBS. CONHATCH CONCORD: Files to HQ. Req. area for CONCORD-FDN. COOK-MM COOKFDN: Recipes - Meal-Master Format COOK-OT COOKFDN: Recipes - All Other Formats COOK-QB COOKFDN: Recipes - Quikbook Format COOK-VEG COOKFDN: Recipes - Vegan/Vegetarian COOKFDN COOKFDN: General Files COOKHEAL COOKFDN: Health and Exercise Files COOKNUTR COOKFDN: Diet and Nutrition Files COOKPLAT COOKFDN: Non-IBM Platform Programs COOKPROG COOKFDN: Author-Uploaded Programs COORDUTL FidoNet: Coordinator Tools and Utilities DBSOFT DB: Utilities for D'Bridge DDSDOORS DDS: Doors and Games DFN_APP DFN: Door Applications DFN_ARCD DFN: Arcade Game Doors DFN_CHAN DFN: Chance Doors (Gambling) DFN_DEVP DFN: Door Development DFN_MISC DFN: Misc. Doors DFN_NAPP DFN: Net Work Applications DFN_PCB DFN: PCBoard Doors DFN_RPG DFN: Role Playing Games DFN_SPRT DFN: Sport Doors DFN_TRIV DFN: Trivia Doors DFN_UTIL DFN: Door Utilities DFN_WAR DFN: War Game Doors DFN_WC DFN: Wild Cat Doors DN_ABHI DharmaNet: Abhidharma DN_ART DharmaNet: Buddhist Art & Icons DN_DBASE DharmaNet: DharmaBase Data Magazines DN_EAST DharmaNet: Eastern Religions (Non-Buddhist) DN_ETHIC DharmaNet: Buddhist Ethical & Monastic Codes DN_GEN DharmaNet: General Buddhism DN_INFO DharmaNet: Information/Application Package DN_LIST DharmaNet: Nodelist/Echolist DN_NEWS DharmaNet: Buddhist Newsletters DN_PLAND DharmaNet: Pure Land Buddhism DN_SANGH DharmaNet: Buddhist Centers & Calendars DN_THERA DharmaNet: Theravada Buddhism DN_TIBET DharmaNet: Bulletins from Tibet &/or Dalai Lama DN_VAJRA DharmaNet: Tibetan/Vajrayana/DzogChen DN_ZEN DharmaNet: Zen Buddhism DOOM-FDN DOOM-FDN: Files and utilities for DOOM DOOM1FDN DOOM-FDN: DOOM 1 wads, etc. DOOM2FDN DOOM-FDN: DOOM 2 wads, etc. DOORDIST DFN: NodeLists & Official Files DVN-ADMN DVN: Administrative files DVN-APPS DVN: DESQview Applications and Utilities DVN-DEV DVN: DESQview Programming Language Developement DVN-DVP DVN: DESQview Program set up files & dev. tools DVN-TECH DVN: DESQview Text and Technical files DVN-XAPP DVN: DV/X applications DVN-XDEV DVN: DV/X development DVN-XDVP DVN: DV/X program set up DVN-XTEC DVN: DV/X tec bulletins ECF_REL ECF: Ezycom files ECF_UTIL ECF: Ezycom 3rd party utilities ECHOLIST SDS: Echo Conference Rules, Moderators, listings EP-ADM EP: Administrative Files EP-ADS EP: Catalogs, samples, incomplete publications EP-ASCII EP: Ascii PD Books and more EP-BOOK EP: Single Electronic Publications EP-MAG EP: Periodical Electronic Publications EP-TOOL EP: Authoring Prgms: Hypertext & similar prgs ESC-ARTS ESC: Arts ESC-BUS ESC: Business ESC-CIVC ESC: Civics ESC-COMP ESC: Computer Skills/Programming ESC-HIST ESC: History ESC-LEIS ESC: Leisure & Recreation ESC-LNGE ESC: Language Arts - English ESC-LNGI ESC: Language Arts - International ESC-LRNA ESC: Learning Aids ESC-MATH ESC: Mathematics ESC-MATL ESC: ESC Materials ESC-OTHR ESC: Other ESC-RLGN ESC: Religion ESC-SCI ESC: Sciences ESC-SSCI ESC: Social Sciences ESC-TCHA ESC: Teaching Aids F-I-R-E SAF: All Fire Department related files. FASTECHO FASTECHO: FastEcho EchoMail Tosser and utilities. FGPCBGAM FGPCB: FileGate PCBoard Online Games and Doors FGPCBMIS FGPCB: FileGate PCBoard Miscellaneous Files FGPCBPPE FGPCB: FileGate PCBoard PPE's and PPE Tools FGPCBQWK FGPCB: FileGate PCBoard QWK Related Files FGPCBUTL FGPCB: FileGate PCBoard Related Utilities FG_WORF FG: FileGate Info files, faq's, FILEGATE.ZXX, etc. FIDONEWS FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter FILEBONE Filebone: List of FDNs & Info Files FILE_UPD Filebone: List updates to Filebone HQ FLY_AC FlyNet: Aircraft Utilities FLY_BUSN FlyNet: Aviation Business Related Utilities FLY_CAP FlyNet: Civil Air Patrol Files FLY_FAA FlyNet: FAA Information Files FLY_GAME FlyNet: Aviation Game Files (Not FS4/5) FLY_GIF FlyNet: Aviation Graphics and Pics FLY_LEGL FlyNet: Aviation Legal Texts/Info Files FLY_MISC FlyNet: Miscellanous Aviation Oriented Files FLY_NET FlyNet: FlyNet Network Operations Files FLY_PILT FlyNet: Pilot Oriented Utilities FLY_PLAN FlyNet: Aviation Flight Planning Utilities FLY_RTN FlyNet: File Return area FLY_SPCE FlyNet: Space Oriented Files and Utilities FLY_TEXT FlyNet: Aviation Oriented Text Files FLY_TRNG FlyNet: Flight Training Utilities FLY_UTIL FlyNet: FlyNet Network Utilities FLY_WX FlyNet: Aviation Weather Files and Utilities FMAIL FMail: Plain DOS versions & FMail-related utils FMAIL2 FMail: 32-bit OS/2 versions FMAILW FMail: 32-bit W95/NT versions FMAILX FMail: 16 and 32-bit DPMI versions FMLYBONE FMLYNET: FamilyNet Backbone Information Area FMLYDIFF FMLYNET: Fmlydiffs FMLYECHO FMLYNET: FamilyNet Echo Information Area FMLYLIST FMLYNET: Fmlylists FMLYNEWS FMLYNET: Electronic Newspapers & Periodicals FMY_ADM FMLYNET: Administrative (Sysop Only) Files FMY_CRCH FMLYNET: Church Support Files FMY_DOOR FMLYNET: Christian BBS Door Programs FMY_GAME FMLYNET: Games with a Christian Flavor FMY_GEN FMLYNET: General Christian Based Programs FMY_GRAP FMLYNET: Graphics Oriented Files FMY_LIFE FMLYNET: Right to Life Debate FMY_LIST FMLYNET: File Listings from FMLYNET Systems FMY_MIDI FMLYNET: Music Interface Files FMY_OLB FMLYNET: Online Bible Program & Support FMY_OTHR FMLYNET: Files Generated from Other Organizations FMY_SERM FMLYNET: Sermon Outlines (Ministers ONLY!) FMY_STDY FMLYNET: Bible Study Texts and Aids FMY_TEXT FMLYNET: Text Files on any Christian Topics FMY_UPST FMLYNET: Files to be hatched. FMY_W95 FMLYNET: Christian Windows 95 Applications FMY_WIN FMLYNET: Christian - Windows Based Applications FOR_USER GN: Files of interest to average computer users FREE-SYS RFE: An eclectic mix of DOS/Windoze software FTSC SDS: FidoNet Technical Standards Committee FURGIF_N FUR: Image Files of Original Anthropomorphic Art FURTXT_N FUR: Stories and Scripts re: Anthropomorphics FUR_SEND FUR: Backchannel for submitting images FWAPPS FW: OS/2 miscellaneous applications FWBBS FW: OS/2 BBS & mail handling FWCOMM FW: OS/2 communications, terminal emulators FWDRIVRS FW: OS/2 drivers, including WINOS2 FWFONTS FW: OS/2 fonts and font manipulation utility FWGAMES FW: OS/2 games FWGRAPHX FW: OS/2 graphical items and utilities FWLAN FW: OS/2 LANs FWOS2ADM FW: OS/2 FERNWOS2 administrative files FWOS2NFO FW: OS/2 information, lists etc. FWPROG FW: OS/2 general programming FWREXX FW: OS/2 REXX programming FWSYSUTL FW: OS/2 system utilities FWUTILS FW: OS/2 high-level utilities GAME_NET GN: Fun and Games for DOS systems GEDHATCH GoldEdFDN: Files from Authors/All Nodes. Req. Area GENEBRSC GENE: Genealogy GENEDEMO GENE: Genealogy DEMO files *Not fully functional* GENEJEW GENE: Jewish related Text/Program files GENEPAF GENE: Personal Ancestrial File(tm) LDS suprt/util GENEPRG GENE: All Genealogy related programs GENETXT GENE: All Genealogy related Text Files GEOADMIN GEO: FDN Info GEOART GEO: Ensemble GeoDraw ClipArt GEOBACK GEO: Pix / Background GEOCAL GEO: Spreadsheet related files GEOFILE GEO: DataBase related files GEOFONT GEO: Fonts GEOWORKS GEO: Main File Echo GE_DIST GECHO: GEcho E-Mail Processor GOLDED GoldEdFDN: Public/Gamma/WideBeta releases of GoldED GRFX-ART GRFX: Clip Art for DTP and Various Word Proc GRFX-BMP GRFX: .BMP files GRFX-FIL GRFX: Adm/Link info/applications GRFX-FON GRFX: Fonts for DTP and Various Word Processors GRFX-HQ GRFX: Upstream, Send Files to HQ for Release GRFX-ICO GRFX: Icons for Windows GRFX-PCX GRFX: Pictures in .PCX Format GRFX-SCR GRFX: Help Screen Captures for Mailers/Doors/BBSes GRFX-SYM GRFX: Symbols for HG GRFX-UTL GRFX: Clippers and Conversion Utils G_ACTION GamesNet: Action, Jump'n Run G_ADDON GamesNet: AddOn's for programmers G_ADVENT GamesNet: Adventures G_AIR GamesNet: AiR ON-Line's Support Area G_APOGEE GamesNet: APOGEE/3 D REALMS releases G_BOARD GamesNet: Board Type games G_BRE-FE GamesNet: BRE/FE releases (for GamesNet league) G_BUGFIX GamesNet: Bugfixes, driver G_C&C GamesNet: Command & Conquer AddOn's G_CARD GamesNet: Card type games G_CDROM GamesNet: CD-ROM contens G_CHEAT GamesNet: Cheats G_CONS GamesNet: GameConsole infos, tips & hints G_DARK GamesNet: Dark Forces AddOn G_DEMO GamesNet: Demos G_DENK GamesNet: Mind games G_DESC GamesNet: Descent AddOn G_DIFF GamesNet: NodeDiff GamesNet G_DOOM GamesNet: ID-SOFT Add-On I G_DOOM2 GamesNet: ID-SOFT Add-On II G_EDUC GamesNet: Education G_EMUL GamesNet: Emulators + AddOn's G_EPIC GamesNet: EPIC releases G_EROS GamesNet: Erotic (adult only) G_FAQ GamesNet: FAQ G_FLIP GamesNet: Pinball type games G_FLY GamesNet: FlightSimulation related files G_HERET GamesNet: ID-SOFT Heretic G_HEXEN GamesNet: ID-SOFT Hexen G_IDSOFT GamesNet: ID SOFT related G_INDEX GamesNet: Index (german list) G_INFO GamesNet: Infos G_INTER GamesNet: InterNet Gaming Tools G_INTERN GamesNet: Infos, Listen, .... G_K&P GamesNet: Klik & Play - Releases & AddOns G_KIDS GamesNet: Games for Kids G_LERN GamesNet: Lernprogramme (german) G_LEVEL GamesNet: Extra Levels G_LINUX GamesNet: LINUX/UNIX games G_MAG GamesNet: Games-Magazines G_MAXIS GamesNet: Maxis SW-Releases, Updates, ... G_MISC GamesNet: Miscelleanous games G_MISCAD GamesNet: Miscelleanous AddOn's G_NET GamesNet: Network type games G_NODE GamesNet: Nodeliste G_ONLINE GamesNet: Online Games G_OS2 GamesNet: OS/2 G_POST GamesNet: Post Games G_PREV GamesNet: Previews (non playable) G_PROD GamesNet: production news of games G_REPLAY GamesNet: Action Replay Parameter table G_REVIEW GamesNet: Reviews G_ROTT GamesNet: Rise of the Triad AddOn G_SAVED GamesNet: Saved games G_SHOT GamesNet: Screenshots G_SID GamesNet: SID Meier CIV SW-Releases, Updates, ... G_SIMUL GamesNet: Simulation & AddOn's G_SOLVE GamesNet: Solve/Walkthrou/UHS/USS G_SPORT GamesNet: Sport type games & AddOn's G_STUFF GamesNet: Old Stuff G_SUNDRY GamesNet: Sundry ;-) G_TOP100 GamesNet: Weekly TOP100 netlist G_TRADE GamesNet: Trading Cards Add-On G_TRAIN GamesNet: Trainer G_UHS GamesNet: UHS solving/hinting system G_UPDATE GamesNet: Updates G_UTIL GamesNet: Utilities (Packer, ...) G_WC GamesNet: WarCraft I/II/... G_WERBE GamesNet: Marketing games G_WIN GamesNet: Windows games G_WIN95 GamesNet: Windows 95 games H-ACTION HN: Action Games H-ADDON HN: Various Utilities & AddOn's for Games H-CHEATS HN: Cheats & Tricks for games H-CONSOL HN: GameConsole infos, tips & tricks H-DEMO HN: Games Demos from Various Company H-DOOM HN: DOOM Utilities & Addon's H-DOORS HN: Online Games (Doors) for Bulletin Board H-EDUCAT HN: Educational Games H-EPIC HN: Games coming from Epic MegaGames SoftWare H-LINUX HN: Linux/Unix Games H-MISC HN: Various types of games H-OS2 HN: Games for OS/2 H-PREVIE HN: Games Previews (non playable) H-SAVED HN: Various saved data of games H-SIERRA HN: Games coming from Sierra On-Line H-SOLVE HN: Games Solves/Walkthroughs H-UPDATE HN: BugFix/Updates/Drivers for Games H-WIN HN: Win95' / Windows Games HAMANT HAM: Antenna design and calculation programs HAMCOMM HAM: CW / APLINK / RTTY terminal progams HAMDEMO HAM: Amateur Radio Software Demo Programs HAMELEC HAM: Electronic drafting, calculation programs HAMEQUIP HAM: Radio and equipment modification distribution HAMFILES HAM: Adm/Link info/applications HAMLOG HAM: Amateur radio logging programs HAMNEWS HAM: Ham Bulletins and Newsletters HAMNOS HAM: TCP/IP and NOS related software HAMPACK HAM: Packet Communication programs HAMSAT HAM: Satellite tracking and finding programs HAMSCAN HAM: Scanner frequencies and freq. databases HAMSRC HAM: Source to Amateur Radio Programs HAMSWL HAM: Shortwave broadcast schedules HAMTRAIN HAM: Amateur radio training material and CW prog's HAMUTIL HAM: Radio operating aids HAZMAT SAF: All HAZMAT related files. HC-ADMIN HCN: Administration / Test Area HC-DISAB HCN: Disability related files. HC-EDUC HCN: Educational medically related files. HC-EMPL HCN: Employment related files - Resumes, Offers HC-GRAPH HCN: Medical graphics, clip-art, .gif, .bmp, etc. HC-MEALS HCN: Healthy recipies, diets, nutritional help. HC-MISC HCN: Miscellaneous medical topics HC-MPROG HCN: Medical related programs; home, office. HC-MTXT HCN: Medical related text files; all subjects. HC-PSYCH HCN: Psychiatric, mental health issues. HCN-N HCN: Network Related (HCNLIST/HCNDIFF) HCN-U HCN: Network related (News/ELIST/FLIST) HERETIC DOOM-FDN: HERETIC FILES HN_ADM HN: Conference of administrative files HOME-SYS HOME: Return Channel to Submit Files to HOME FDN HOMEAUTO HOME: Home Automation FAQ and Info HOMEINFO HOME: Home Information and Text Files HOMEPROG HOME: Home Related Programs and Utils HOMEX10 HOME: X-10 Programs and Utils HSDGAMES Automatically added area IBBS-FIL IBBS: Adm/Link info/applications IBBS-GM1 IBBS: Sunrise InterBBS Games IBBS-GM2 IBBS: Sunrise NON InterBBS Games IBBS-HQ IBBS: Upstream, Send Files to HQ for Release IBBS-MIS IBBS: Other Sunrise Doors IBMBETA IBM: Beta News IBMDOSFX IBM: Fixes for the DOS Base Operating System IBMEWS IBM: Employee Written Software IBMINFO IBM: Tips 'n Techniques and similar topics IBMNET IBM: Nodelists, etc IBMOS2DD IBM: OS/2 Ver 2.x Misc Drivers IBMOS2FX IBM: Fixes for the OS/2 Base Operating System IBMOS2PD IBM: OS/2 Ver 2.x Printer Drivers IBMOS2SP IBM: SCD Disks for OS/2 IBMOS2VD IBM: OS/2 Ver 2.x Video Drivers IBMTCPIP IBM: SCD Disks TCP/IP/PMX Support IMAIL IMAIL: Mail Tosser for *.MSG/Squish/Hudson/JAM IM_BETA IM: Beta Releases IM_DEMO IM: Demo Releases IM_HQ IM: Upstream, Send Files to HQ for Release IM_UTIL IM: Third Party Utilities IST_95 IST: Win95 Products IST_DIST IST: Door Games and Uilities from popular authors IST_DOOR IST: Door Games IST_MISC IST: General Products IST_OS2 IST: OS2 Products IST_UTIL IST: Utils IST_WIN IST: Win3 Products ITRACK IMAIL: Netmail script language for DOS and OS/2 IV_FREE IVN: Intuitive Vision Software Free Distribution IV_HQ IVN: Send files to HQ for evaluation IV_INFO IVN: IVNetwork Info Packages / .NA Files IV_IVDOC IVN: Intuitive Vision Software Documentation IV_IVWIN IVN: Intuitive Vision Software Windows Dist. IV_LIST IVN: Weekly NodeList Updates IV_NEXUS IVN: Nexus Packages and Upgrades IV_NXDOC IVN: Nexus Documentation and Information IV_NXSUP IVN: Nexus Support Files (Third Party included) IV_NXUTL IVN: Intuitive Vision Software General Utilities IV_SOFT IVN: Intuitive Vision Software Releases LAN-SYS LAN: Return Channel for Submitting Files to LANNet LANARTI LAN: Artisoft Announcements LANDRV LAN: LAN Drivers LANMENU LAN: LAN Menus, Mail, and Metering Programs LANNET LAN: Artisoft LANtastic Patches and Related Files LANOS2 LAN: OS2 Related LANUTIL LAN: General LAN Utilities LANWIN LAN: Windows Related LFN_ADM LFN: Admin FileEcho to Up-Link (Passthrough) LFN_CMDR LFN: LoraBBS OS/2 CMD and REXX Files LFN_DOS LFN: LoraBBS DOS Public Release Files LFN_MAIL LFN: Third Party Mail Utilities for LoraBBS LFN_OS2 LFN: LoraBBS OS/2 Public Release Files LFN_UTIL LFN: Third Party Utilities Supporting LoraBBS LINUX_1 LUX: SlackWare Updates (Drivers ect.) LINUX_2 LUX: Kernel Updates/Patches and common programs LORD Lord-FDN: Updates and Public Releases LORD_DEV Lord-FDN: Lord Development Files LORD_IGM Lord-FDN: In Game Modules LORD_MNU Lord-FDN: Lord Menu Sets LORD_MSC Lord-FDN: Miscellaneous Files LORD_NET Lord-FDN: Netted LORD Game InfoPacks LORD_TXT Lord-FDN: Hints, FAQ's and Others LORD_WHQ Lord-FDN: Upstream files to Lord-FDN HQ *ONLY* MAXADMN MAX-FDN: Administrative Files MAXBBS MAX: Official Maximus & Squish releases MAXHQ MAX: Upstream to MAX FDN HQ *ONLY* MAXLANG MAX-FDN: Maximus language files MAXMEC MAX-FDN: Maximus MECCA scripts MAXMISC MAX: Misc. files, FAQs, newsletters, etc. MAXOTHR MAX: Language files, MEX/MECCA scripts MAXUTIL MAX: Maximus/Squish Utilities MEDICAL SAF: All Medical type files. MFD-BUIL MFD: Masonic - The Builder 1915-1925 MFD-EDUC MFD: Masonic - Education Files MFD-GENR MFD: Masonic - General Files MFD-GMEN MFD: Masonic - Great Men in History MFD-GRAP MFD: Masonic - Graphics Files MFD-HIST MFD: Masonic - History Files MFD-NC MFD: Masonic - NC Masonic Newsletter MFD-PHIL MFD: Masonic - Philiathes Files MFD-Q&A MFD: Masonic - Questions and Answers MFD-R&P MFD: Masonic - Religion and Philosophy MFD-RESE MFD: Masonic - Research Files MFD-SCOT MFD: Masonic - New Age Scottish Rite Files MFD-SHRI MFD: Masonic - Shriner Files MFD-SYMB MFD: Masonic - Symbolism Files MFD-YORK MFD: Masonic - York Rite Bodies MISCHILD MCN: Missing Children Net - Heidi Search Center MISSING NCMEC: Files/case histories from NCMEC/Arlington MIS_UTIL BBSFDN: Miscellaneous BBS Utilities MI_ADMI Mirage: Administrative Distributions MI_DIFF Mirage: Nodediff Updates MI_DOORS Mirage: Doorgames Echo MI_DOS Mirage: Dos Files MI_GAMES Mirage: Games MI_HQ Mirage: Upstream to Mirage HQ MI_LIST Mirage: Nodelist Updates MI_WIN Mirage: Windows Files MST_GIFS MST: Graphics images of all types MST_PROG MST: Software and program files MST_TEXT MST: Text files, newsletters, tags, quotes MST_WAVS MST: Audio files of all types NEWSLETR SDS: Newsletters and Related NEWTAPPS NEWT: Newton Applications and Utilities NEWTBOOK NEWT: Newton Books NEWTDEMO NEWT: Newton Demos NEWTGAME NEWT: Newton Games and Entertainment NEWTHQTR NEWT: Newton File Submissions to Headquarters NEWTINFO NEWT: Newton Announcements, Newsletters & Info NEWTPROG NEWT: Newton Programming/NTK and Developer Utils NEWTXFER NEWT: Newton Mac/PC<-> Connection/NCK Utils & Info NODEDIFF FidoNet: Weekly NodeList Updates NORML NORML: NORML the Echo's related files NOVLIB02 NOVLIB: General Information NOVLIB03 NOVLIB: NetWare 2.x specific NOVLIB04 NOVLIB: NetWare 3.x specific NOVLIB05 NOVLIB: Client/Shell drivers NOVLIB06 NOVLIB: NetWare Utilities NOVLIB07 NOVLIB: Btrieve/XQL NOVLIB08 NOVLIB: MAC/NFS/MHS NOVLIB09 NOVLIB: Communication Products NOVLIB10 NOVLIB: NetWare Lite NOVLIB11 NOVLIB: Technical Information/IMSP's NOVLIB12 NOVLIB: NDSG/DRDOS NOVLIB13 NOVLIB: AppWare NOVLIB14 NOVLIB: NetWare 4.x specific NOVUSR01 NOVLIB: Utilities NT_ADM NT: Administration Files NT_APPS NT: Applications NT_FIX NT: Fixes, Patches and Updates NT_GEN NT: Miscellaneous Files NT_TOOLS NT: Development and Programmers Tools NT_UTIL NT: Utilities NW-BACK NW: Back channel to NetWeb FDN HQ NW-BCKG NW: Backgrounds for use on Web pages NW-CIS NW: Utils for CompuServe users NW-EDIT NW: HTML editors NW-FTP NW: FTP related files NW-ICON NW: Icons for use on Web pages NW-IMG NW: Other images for use on Web pages NW-IRC NW: IRC related files NW-SND NW: Sound utilities related to Internet/WWW NW-TNET NW: Telnet related files NW-UTIL NW: General utils & add-ons NW-VIEW NW: Browsers NW_INFO NOVLIB: NetWire Infos OLR_BETA Offline Reader FDN - Public Beta releases of OLR OLR_DEV Offline Reader FDN - Developement Files OLR_MAX Offline Reader FDN - Doors for Maximus-CBCS OLR_MISC Offline Reader FDN - Miscellaneous OLR_MSGB Offline Reader FDN - SysOp/Point Mail Readers OLR_PCB Offline Reader FDN - Offline Mail Doors for PCB OLR_PNT Offline Reader FDN - Point Related programs, utils OLR_QBBS Offline Reader FDN - Doors for QBBS OLR_READ Offline Reader FDN - Readers OLR_SX Offline Reader FDN - Silver Xpress OLR Dist. OLR_UTIL Offline Reader FDN - Related Utilities OSU-FACT MGF: OSU Mastergardener Fact Sheets PASCLNET Pascal-Net related files and programs PASCOMMS Pascal-Net | Communication & Networks PASDELPH Automatically added area PASFILES Pascal-Net | Ungrouped files and programs PASGRAPH Pascal-Net | Graphical orientaded files PASNDIFF Pascal-Net | DIFF-files PASNLIST Pascal-Net | Nodelist PASOOP Pascal-Net | Object Orientated Programming PASPATCH Pascal-Net | Updates and patches for the compiler PASSWAG Pascal-Net | SWAG (-related) programs/files PASTEXT Pascal-Net | Pascal-related textfiles PASTOOLS Pascal-Net | Tool(boxes) and utilities PASTVIS Pascal-Net | Turbo Vision related files PASWIN Pascal-Net | Windows related files PB-DQP PB: Dutch Quality Pex files PB-GNU PB: Silicon Creations Pex files PBDQP PB: Dutch Quality PEXs and EXEs PBFELINE PB: Fe-line Software PEXs and EXEs PBHATCH PB: Send files to FDN HQ for distribution. PBMISC PB: Misc. PB files in English *only* PBNODE PB: The Global Proboard Network Nodelist PBPEXENG PB: PEXs in English *only* PBPEXMUL PB: PEXs in multiple languages PBSCIBIN PB: Silicon Creations PEXs and EXEs PBSCISRC PB: Silicon Creations Source Code PBSOURCE PB: General Source Code PC-BBS General BBS programs and utils PC-COMM Communications programs PC-DATAB Plannet Connect Specific Files for BBS Sysops Network PC-DATABASE Database programs PC-DEMOS Demonstration programs PC-DISTR Software to Planet Connect direct from authors. PC-DOORS Door Programs for BBS's PC-EDUCATE Educational programs PC-EPUB Electronic Publications PC-FINANCE Finance and Business programs PC-GAMES Game Related programs PC-GRAPHIC Graphic Related programs PC-HAM HAM Radio Related programs PC-MAILER Frontend / Mail Tosser related programs PC-MAJOR Major BBS related programs PC-MISC Unclassified programs PC-MUSIC Music related files and programs PC-NETWORK Network Related programs PC-OS/2 OS/2 programs and related files PC-PCB PCBoard BBS related programs and files PC-SOUND Voice/Midi/Blaster files and programs PC-UTILS Utility files and programs PC-VIRUS Virus related programs and files PC-WILDC Wildcat! BBS related files and programs PC-WINDOWS Windows95/NT/WFW related programs and files PC-WORDPRO Word processing related files and programs PCB-DOOR PCB: Doors PCB-GAME PCB: Online Games PCB-MISC PCB: Misc files PCB-NAPP PCB: Network Application Forms PCB-PPE PCB: PPE Tools PCB-QWK PCB: QWK related tools PCB-UTIL PCB: PCBoard Utilities PCBGAM PCB: PCBoard Online Games and Doors PCBMIS PCB: PCBoard Miscellaneous Files PCBPPE PCB: PCBoard PPE's and PPE Tools PCBQWK PCB: PCBoard QWK Related Files PCBUTL PCB: PCBoard Related Utilities PCUTILS Utilities pertaining to the Planet Connect software. PDNAI PDN: AI related PDNASM PDN: Assembly Related PDNBASIC PDN: Basic Related PDNCEE PDN: 'C' Related PDNDJGPP PDN: DJ Delorie's C/C+ Compiler PDNGNDOS PDN: GNU DOS related PDNGNU PDN: GNU related PDNHATCH PDN: Files to Headquarters for Evaluation PDNJAVA PDN: Java development PDNLANG PDN: Other Languages PDNNEWS PDN: News Letters PDNOS2 PDN: OS/2 Related PDNOTHER PDN: Other Computers PDNTECH PDN: Technical specifications and FAQ's PDNUNIX PDN: UNIX related PDNVBDOS PDN: Files for VB DOS programmers PDNVBWIN PDN: Files for VB Windows PDNWIN PDN: Windows related PDNWINNT PDN: Development tools for WindowsNT PLSLACK PDN: SlackWare Linux v2.x distribution PROBOARD PB: ProBoard releases and PEX files PROSOFT PROSOFT: TMail & TBBS support utils QBBSNET QFN: QBBSNet Information Files QFN_ADM QFN: Admin FileEcho to Up-Link (Passthrough) QFN_DOOR QFN: Door Programs Supporting Quickbbs QFN_MAIL QFN: Third Party Mail Utilities for QuickBBS QFN_MISC QFN: Misc Utilities & Programs QFN_PUB QFN: QuickBBS files for Public Release QFN_UTIL QFN: Third Party Utilities Supporting QuickBBS RADIFF RANet: Nodelist Difference Files. RADIST RAD: All RA v1.xx Only RAD_BETA RAD: Beta/Gamma Files Distribution RAD_DORS RAD: Doors/Converters/Door Utilities RAD_MAIL RAD: Mail Doors/Mail Utilities RAD_OTHR RAD: Non-RA Programs of Interest (Limited) RAD_UTIL RAD: Utilities RAD_V25X RAD: RemoteAccess v2.5x only RAD_VER2 RAD: All Other/Miscellaneous RAF_2HQ RANet: RemoteAccess Files 1-way to HQ. RAF_BETA RANet: RA Beta Files & Pre-release all areas. RAF_COMS RANet: Communications drivers, Protocols & Progs. RAF_DOOR RANet: RemoteAccess Doors and BSS Games. RAF_MAIL RANet: Mailer, File Echo and Nodelist Utils. RAF_OTHR RANet: Other Files of Interest to RA Sysop's. RAF_RA RANet: RemoteAccess v1.00 Utils & Add-ons. RAF_RA2 RANet: RemoteAccess v2.00 Utils & Add-ons. RAIL_MSC RFN: Miscellaneous Prototype & Hobby Files RANET RANet: RemoteAccess Net Info Files. RANODE RANet: Nodelists Files. RAR-BACK RAR: Back-Channel for submissions by authors RAR-BETA RAR: RAR pre-release "public" betas RAR-MAIN RAR: Main RAR program releases RAR-UTIL RAR: Utilities & 3rd-party add-ons RBBSADMN RBBS-FDN: Administrative Files RBBSDOOR RBBS-FDN: Doors Specific to RBBS RBBSHQ RBBS-FDN: UpStream to RBBS-HQ * PassThru * RBBSMAIL RBBS-FDN: Mail Processers -- FTN/PostLink/QWK RBBSMISC RBBS-FDN: Miscellaneous RBBSPC RBBS-FDN: RBBS-PC Merges/Patches/Releases RBBSUTIL RBBS-FDN: 3rd Party Utilities RECLIVE REC: Full live releases to the general public RECTEST REC: Public Beta and Gamma test versions RGS_ADMI RGSNet: Net Administrative Distributions RGS_ALT RGSNet: Alternate Network Infopacks RGS_AVSC RGSNet: Anti-Virus and BBS Security Files RGS_BBS RGSNet: Misc BBS Software and Related Files RGS_COMM RGSNet: Communications Programs and Related RGS_COOR RGSNet: Coordinator Tools and Utilities RGS_DIFF RGSNet: Weekly NodeDiff Updates RGS_DOOR RGSNet: General BBS Doors and Online Games RGS_ECHO RGSNet: EchoMail Net and News RGS_GRFX RGSNet: BBS Screens/Menus - Graphics Files RGS_HQ RGSNet: UpStream to RGSNet-HQ * ONLY * RGS_LIST RGSNet: Weekly NodeList Updates RGS_MAIL RGSNet: Mail Processors & Nodelist Utilities Area RGS_MISC RGSNet: Miscellaneous Files (Not Listed) RGS_OPS RGSNet: Networking and Multi-Tasking Files RGS_OS2 RGSNet: IBM OS/2 2.x And Warp Programs RGS_RGDR RGSNet: Renegade Specific Door Games/Programs RGS_RGNW RGSNet: Renegade BBS New Releases RGS_RGUT RGSNet: Renegade BBS Utilities RGS_TEXT RGSNet: Text Files and Information RGS_UTIL RGSNet: Archivers & Utilities RIP-ART RipNet FDN: Rip Icons and Painting Programs RIP-BUTT RipNet FDN: Rip Buttons RIP-DOOR RipNet FDN: Doors and Door Games RIP-GRFX RipNEt FDN: Rip BBS Screens and Menus RIP-HQ RipNet FDN: Hatches to RFN Headquarters RIP-MISC RipNet FDN: Non-classified RIP programs RIP-UTIL RipNEt FDN: Rip Utilities R_2020 RFL: RTG's Cyberpunk support R_AD&D RFL: TSR's AD&D support R_ARS RFL: WotC's Ars-Magica support R_BTECH RFL: FASA's Battletech support R_CHAMPS RFL: Hero Game's Champions support R_CTHU RFL: Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu support R_DC RFL: GDW's Dark Conspiracy support R_F-MOD RFL: Modern and Post-Modern Fiction R_FANT RFL: General Fantasy RPG support R_FFANT RFL: Fiction Fantasy stories R_FMISC RFL: Any and all fiction mildly RPG oriented R_FSF RFL: Science Fiction Stories R_FSUPER RFL: Fiction Super Hero stories R_FUDGE RFL: FUDGE support R_GENER RFL: General RPG support R_GURPS RFL: SJG's GURPS support R_HAMMER RFL: GW's Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play support R_HOME RFL: Homebrew RPG's and games R_HORROR RFL: General Horror RPG support R_MISC RFL: Anything and everything else RPG oriented. R_MODERM RFL: General Modern and Post-Modern RPG support R_SF RFL: General Science Fiction RPG support R_SHADOW RFL: FASA's Shadowrun support R_STRFLT RFL: TFG's StarFleet Battles support R_SUB RFL: Submissions for distribution R_SUPERS RFL: General Super Heroes RPG support R_SW RFL: WEG's StarWars support R_T-TNE RFL: GDW's Traveller: The New Era support R_TRAV RFL: GDW's Classic and Mega Traveller support R_WH40K RFL: GW's Warhammer 40K support R_WWOLF RFL: White Wolf's World of Darkness games support SAFETY SAF: All Safety related files. SAFNEWS SAF: Network News Letters. SAF_DIFF SAF: Network related Nodediff files. SAF_GIF SAF: All ES graphic's related files. SAF_LIST SAF: Network related Nodelist files. SAF_UP SAF: Send files to FDN head for distribution. SBIDOS SBI: Snake-Byte Inc. 32 bit DOS/DOS4GW programs SBIOS2 SBI: Snake-Byte Inc. OS/2 text & P.M. programs SBIWIN SBI: Snake-Byte Inc. Windows 3.1 programs SBIWIN32 SBI: Snake-Byte Inc. Win32s/Win95/WinNT programs SC_GRAPH SC: SCN Graphics related (no pictures) SC_HAM SC: HAM radio related SC_LAN SC: LAN related SC_UUCP SC: SCN UUCP/Unix related SDC_AWE SDC: SB AWE-32 Updates and utils SDC_DEMO SDC: DEMO's - PC Demo's and Intro's SDC_DIG SDC: DIGEST - KLF/INERTIA/DMP/GUS Digests SDC_DISK SDC: MUSIC DISKS - Various SAMPLE Disks SDC_DMF SDC: DMF type files SDC_GUS SDC: GUS - GUS related players/editors/patches SDC_MIDI SDC: Midi files and Utils SDC_MISC SDC: Other types of sound files SDC_MOD SDC: SAMPLES - MOD format SDC_MTM SDC: SAMPLES - MTM format SDC_S3M SDC: SAMPLES - S3M format SDC_UTLS SDC: UTILS - Module players/editors (DOS & WIN) SDC_XM SDC: SAMPLES - XM format (FastTracker 2.x) SDS-BBS SDS: Software Distribution System -- BBS Utils SDSADMIN SDS: Administrative Decisions and Posts SDSBINK SDS: For Binkley and Related Utilities SDSFIDO SDS: Fido Distribution Area SDSFRONT SDS: For FrontDoor and Related Utilities SDSMAIN SDS: Maindoor Distribution SDSMAX SDS: For Maximus BBS and Related Utilities SDSMODEM SDS: Modem Related Files (Setups, SYSOP Pricing, etc.) SDSOPUS SDS: For Opus and Related Utilities SDSOS2 SDS: For OS2 BBS Related and Programs and Util's SDSOTHER SDS: For `Other' Machines, MACintosh/Apple/Amy etc SDSQUICK SDS: For QBBS & Related Utilities SDSRA SDS: For RA and related Utilities SDSRBBS SDS: For RBBS and Related Utilities SDSSBBS SDS: For SBBS BBS and Related Utilities SDSTEXT SDS: Net-Related Newsletters SDSTPB SDS: TPBoard (BBS software) support utilities SDSWC SDS: For WildCat BBS and Related Utilities SDSWWIV SDS: For WWIV BBS and Related Utilities SDSXBBS SDS: For XBBS BBS and Related Utilities SF-BCS SF: Buffalo Creek Software Programs SF-DOORS SF: Spitfire Related Doors SF-GRAPH SF: Spitfire RIP Graphics Files SF-HQ SF: Spitfire File Distribution Headquarters SF-OTHER SF: Other Files Related to Spitfire SF-UTIL SF: 3rd Party Programs and Utilities SKYBBS SKY: BBS Utilities (Generic) SKYBETA SKY: Beta Programs SKYCNET SKY: CNet BBS Utilities SKYCOMMS SKY: Datacomm programs for Amiga SKYDEMO SKY: Demo Programs SKYDEV SKY: Dev SKYDLG SKY: Utilities for DLG Professional BBS SKYFIDO SKY: FidoNet-related software for Amiga SKYFISH SKY: Fish Disks files (hatches by luca Spada) SKYGAMES SKY: Games for Amiga SKYIFF SKY: Iff SKYINFO SKY: SAN Policies/Nodelists SKYMOD SKY: Musical modules for Amiga SKYPROGS SKY: Audio/Graphics programs for Amiga SKYTEXT SKY: Documents/Texts for Amiga SKYUNET SKY: Usenet files for Amiga SKYUTILS SKY: Utilities/program for Amiga SL-DOORS SL: Doors SL-GAMES SL: Online Games SL-MAIL SL: Mail Processors SL-MISC SL: Misc files SL-RIP SL: Rip Graphics SL-TPU SL: TPU Updates and Utils SL-UPDAT SL: Program Updates SL-UTIL SL: Searchlight Utilities SOFTDIST SDS: General Utils SSSDOORS SSSFDN: BBS Door Games & Utilities. SS_AREAS Automatically added area SUNRISE Automatically added area SURVDIFF SV: SurvNet Nodelists, Admin Files SV_COMM SV: Survival Communications, Skills and Equipment SV_DPOL SV: US and Worldwide Drug Policy Files SV_ECON SV: Economics in tough times SV_FOOD SV: Survival Foods/Recipes/Methods of Storage SV_HOWTO SV: "How To" Prepare/Build/Maintain Equipment SV_LEGAL SV: Misc Law, Citizen's Rights, Common Law SV_MED SV: Medical Information/Methods of Application SV_MISC SV: SurvNet Miscellaneous Files SV_NCRPT SV: Encryption Techniques and Applications SV_NEW SV: SVFDN Hdqts, Inbound-New Releases Only SV_POL SV: Political Files NWO/TRC/CFR/ect SV_QUAKE SV: Earthquake Maps and Info from USGS, etc SV_WEAP SV: Weapons Tech/Repair/Mods and rights SYNC3RDP SYNC: Third party programs for Synchronet BBS SYNCMAIN SYNC: Synchronet BBS files from Digital Dynamics SYNCMODS SYNC: MOD files for Synchronet BBS T-BACK T-Mail: Back-channel for submissions to FDN T-BETA T-Mail: Beta updates, DOS Non-Commercial T-BETA-2 T-Mail: Beta updates, OS/2 Non-Commercial T-MAIL T-Mail: Utilities & 3rd-party add-ons TAGDIST TAG: TAG BBS Dist TAGDOORS TAG: TAG specific Door Programs TAGUTIL TAG: Utility Files TBB_APPS TBBS: Public Domain and Shareware TBB_DEMO TBBS: Demos - not fully functional TBB_INFO TBBS: FDN information and administration TBB_IPAD TBBS: IPAD/Internet related files TBB_SALE TBBS: Vendor catalogs and information TBB_SOFT TBBS: eSoft field mods, updates, etc. TBB_SUBS TBBS: Upstream to Hqs for distribution TELEMATE TELEMATE: Telemate/Telemate for Win Files TER-HQ TER FDN: Files to TSR BBS for Distribution. TER-UTIL TER FDN: 3rd party software for TERMINATE. TERMINAT TER FDN: Related software by author, Bo Bendtsen TG_SUP TG_SUP: All the latest in Telegard utilities. TVRO TVRO: TVRO Satellite Feeds, FAQ, TVRO Listing, etc UTILNET UTILNET: Utility Files W32_2HQ W32_FDN: Admin - files to W32 HQ W32_APPS W32_FDN: 32bit Applications W32_COMM W32_FDN: Win32 Communications W32_DESK W32_FDN: Desktop, Cursors, Etc W32_GAME W32_FDN: Win32 Games W32_INT W32_FDN: Internet & Web Related W32_MISC W32_FDN: Win32 Misc W32_MULT W32_FDN: MultiMedia & Graphics W32_P&D W32_FDN: Win32 Patches & Drivers W32_UTIL W32_FDN: Win32 Utilities WDN_ADMN WildCat: Nodelists/Administrative Info WDN_CDRM WildCat: CD ROM Support WDN_DESQ WildCat: DESQview files & Info WDN_DORS WildCat: Doors-CBV/Security & Conversion/Misc WDN_LAN! WildCat: Networks WDN_LANG WildCat: Prompt & Language Files WDN_MAIL WildCat: Net & Echo Utilities WDN_MDM! WildCat: Modem Files (WC 3&4) WDN_MISC WildCat: Misc Ext. Xfer Protocols/Menu/Disp Files WDN_OLX! WildCat: MSI OLX release files WDN_QMP! WildCat: QmodemPro DOS/WIN Utilities & Releases WDN_RIP! WildCat: RIP Drawing & Utilities, Graphics & Icons WDN_UPLD WildCat: Upload Utils WDN_UTL4 WildCat: v4 Utils-Msg/Files/Users/Misc/Stats & Log WDN_WC!R WildCat: MSI WILDCAT! release files WDN_WC3X WildCat: 3.x Utilities WDN_WCIM WildCat: IM Version Doors & Utils WDN_WCX4 WildCat: v4 wcCODE Applications WINFILES WIN: (Upstream) Send Files to Hdq for Release WIN_DATA WIN: Data storage/retrieval applications WIN_GAME WIN: Games, Recreational Programs, and Diversions WIN_GRAF WIN: Graphic pictures WIN_PRNT WIN: Windows print utilities and font utilities WIN_PROG WIN: Windows Programs and applications WIN_SOUN WIN: Windows 3.1 Sound files .WAV /etc WIN_SYST WIN: WinNet-specific files, mostly for SysOps WIN_UTIL WIN: Windows System files, utilities, shells, etc WIN_WORD WIN: Windows Txt Editors, Word processors & Utils XDS_BACK Back-Channel for submissions by authors XDS_HMS Xpress Door H1 [RA/QBBS/ROBO/TAG/ProBoard/SBBS] XDS_MAX Xpress Door M1 [Maximus] XDS_OP3 Xpress Door F3 [Opus 1.7x] XDS_PCB Xpress Door P1 [PCBoard] XDS_PRES Sliver Xpress - Press releases/info files XDS_RBBS Xpress Door R1 [RBBS] XDS_RDR Sliver Xpress - Reader XDS_UTIL Silver Xpress Utilities/Add-Ons [Doors only] XDS_WCAT Xpress Door W1 [WildCat!] XSH XSH: Software and support utilities ZYXELROM ZyxelNet: Firmware ZYXTEXT ZyxelNet: Text Files ZYXTOOL ZyxelNet: 3rd Party Tools